Our staff.
Gareth and Taryn’s dream is to be part of a church-planting movement that re-ignites reformation in Germany. They met while at university in Grahamstown, South Africa and later served together as the senior pastors there of His People Christian Church. They planted Every Nation Berlin in September 2009 along with a team that relocated from South Africa. Gareth has lived in Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa, and his core passions are fathering leaders, planting churches, and reforming the nations. Outside of family and ministry Gareth loves socialising with friends, reading, travelling, eating a good steak, and theological debates. Taryn was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa and her life story is a powerful testimony of God’s healing, restoration and victory.
Her deep passions are authenticity, justice, restoration, caring for creation, worship and mothering. In her spare time she enjoys creative crafts, reading, travelling, gardening and pottering around the house. Together they have four gorgeous children, Joseph, Jenna, Katarina and Benjamin.

Helene Rathje
Helene and Mike have been with Every Nation Church since the beginning and love this church dearly. Mike came to Berlin with the founding team from South Africa in 2008 and met Helene in the leadership team. Helene is a native repatriate (Russian-German) and moved to Berlin from Gummersbach in 2001 to help in church planting. Since May 2022, Helene has been passionately serving as a pastor and wants to honor Jesus and serve Him and people. Mike and Helene have 3 red-headed, wonderful children. As a family, they love community games and vacationing by the sea.

Marina came to Every Nation Kirche Berlin in 2017 and found her spiritual family here. Since May 2019 she has been responsible for Every Nation Campus Berlin and also leads our ministry for women in need. Her desire is to see the love and power of God healing broken hearts and setting them free. In her free time she likes being active – but only in one sport and once a week: volleyball 🙂 She loves spending time with her friends, where they can grow closer to Jesus together and challenge each other.
Beatrice Matis
Beatrice always loved painting and drawing, which is why she studied animation at the Babelsberg Film University from 2011 to 2015 and has been working as a freelance artist in Hohen Neuendorf ever since. She joined Every Nation Church Berlin in 2019 with her husband Jacob and her son Nathanael. Since 2024 she has headed the media department, which is responsible for design and social media and the prophetic ministry. Since early childhood, God has spoken to her in dreams and visions. Her desire is to inspire people about God and his kingdom and to make the invisible world tangible for people. She loves Jesus, her family, coffee, nature and good films.